
Showing posts from October, 2018
誕生日おめでとう きょうはぼくの誕生日だった。 いま、ぼくのじゅうくさいです。 きょうときのうしょうテストをべんきょした。 でも、しかたないですね。。。
マクミランさん Watches: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険: 黄金の 風 During break I was extremely excited to watch the new anime adaptation of the 5th part of the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series, known in English as "Golden Wind". The series is extremely long running (the series as a whole starting in 1987, and Golden Wind lasting from 1995 to 1999) and is beloved world wide for its eccentric style (see the main cast for this part above) and its "bizarre" fighting system. The story is a shonen adventure, with many intense fights designed for a young teenage boy audience. Every main protagonist for each part is a "Jojo", related to the brave Joestar family and possesses supernatural powers. Even though the series is old, because there are many parts, there were only a few adaptations (mainly OVAs) prior to the recent production by studio David Production. It follows a standard T.V. anime format of a 30-min time slot counting advertisements. Over this past week, I watched episodes
ぼくのまち こんばんは、みなさん。 アメリカのフロリダシュウのオカラカラキマシタ。 オカラはちいさいまちです。 そして、あまりオカラはゆうめいじゃありません。 でも、オカラはいいです。 ありがとうございます、じゃあまた。