
Showing posts from November, 2019
マクミランさんは僕のヒーローアカデミアを見る This week I continued watching the latest season of the popular shonen series My Hero Academia. The plot of this season revolves around a Yakuza branch family selling a weaponized drug that can destroy the "quirks", or superpowers, of heroes entirely. The Yakuza leader, Chisaki, has an extremely powerful destruction quirk and is using his young adopted daughter's quirk to manufacture the drug. Since his daughter, Eri, is being held against her will, and Deku had an opportunity to save her earlier, he feels at fault for not helping at the time. This leads into this episode's plot, which is a meeting of many heroes and some of Deku's classmates to discuss the plan of action for dealing with the dangerous group. The heroes agree to conduct a surveillance operation to locate the group's hideout, then to perform a raid with the help of the police. I really enjoyed this arc when I read the manga, so I am looking forward to how they animat
アドバイス ええ〜、ちょっと大変ですね。 たぶん、ホストファミリーのお母さんと問題について話しなければならないと思います。 いいが、ホストファミリーのお母さんに問題を伝えた方がいいですよ。 私だったら、ホストファミリーのお母さんに家事はするけどもっとたのしい時間をほしんです。 それは話したらどうですか? アドバイスは良かったですか?
マクミランさんは バーチャルユーチューバー を見る This week I watched a vtuber named Sakura Miko and her vtuber friends compete with each other in Mario Kart. A vtuber (short for virtual youtuber) is an internet personality that is represented by a voice actress and computer generated (anime style) avatar. This is a relatively new trend even in Japan, but many vtubers, like Kizuna Ai have hundreds of thousands of followers. Many vtubers do short topical videos and play video games (like Miko). The appeal, I think, is similar to Japanese idols, and many vtubers fashion themselves in that image. I was introduced to Miko's group "Hololive" by a person I know who is a huge fan. I watched a live stream on Miko's youtube channel of her and other vtubers competing fiercely in Mario Kart. From what I could tell, there was a lot of trash talking going on. Though Miko was doing well, at one point her console crashed and she couldn't play anymore! However, the livestream was very enjoyable t
仕事がほしい 長い時、ぼくはしょうらい何になりたいかわからなかった。 中学校では、ぼくは多くのおもしろいクラスをとることができませんでした。 けれども、高校ではより多くのクラスをとることができ、べんごしになりたいときめました。べんごしになるためには、たくさん勉強しなければなりません。 いつかいいべんごしになりたいです!