
Showing posts from September, 2019
マクミランさん watches:「鬼滅つの刃」 This week, I watched the season finale of a popular shonen anime: Kimetsu no Yaiba. The story is about a boy, Tanjiro, who, when most of his family is killed by demons and his sister is turned into one, decides to join a secret organization of swordsmen that combats the demons: the Demon Slaying Corps. With his special swordsman training and sister Nezuko's new demon powers, the pair join up with a bunch of different demon hunters to fight the demon leader: Muzan, and his legion of powerful demons. In this episode, Tanjiro and his demon hunter friends Zenitsu and Inosuke finish their training/recovery in a special estate filled with helpful workers, after a brutal battle with some demon leaders. After saying their goodbyes, the group is given orders to accompany one of leaders of the Demon Slayer Corps to hunt another powerful demon on a train. Unfortunately, the season ended on a cliffhanger before the arc could start, however, the good news is tha...
ようこそ、日本人学生! アメリカとても面白い国ですよ。 たのしんで下さい。 おみやげがほしそれで、ノートルダム大学のほんやに行った方がいいですよ。 そして、フットボールのパーティーにいったほうがいいですよ。 でも、パーティーではおさけを飲みすぎないで下さい!
ストレス ざんねんながら、ぼくはよくストレスをかんじています。 大学生であることはむずかしいですね。 しゅくだいが多すぎると思いますよ... くつろぐためにビデオゲームをします。 みんなさん、ぼくのアドバイスは、しゅうくだいを少なくて、より多くのビデオゲームをすることです!
マクミランさん は見てる:ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 黄金の風 I finally finished watching this long anime adaptation of a famous shonen Japanese manga. The finale episode (which I watched) was a special double length episode wrapping up this part of the manga. In it, the protagonist Giorno Giovanna uses his recently upgraded superpowers (called GER or Golden Experience Requiem) to defeat the evil mafia boss Diavolo. It is kind of confusing to explain, but essentially Giorno made it so Diavolo was to be beat up indefinitely (scary...). Unfortunately, Giorno lost many of his friends along the way, and even his best friend in the last episode. However, this part ended on a happier note, with Giorno and the rest of his friends taking over Diavolo's mafia, and using it for good. I really enjoy the JoJo series as a whole, and I am even more excited for the next part, because it takes place in Florida (where am I from). It was very interesting to follow this adaptation, as I went from knowing basically no Ja...
ぼくがよく行くレストラン こんにちはみんなさん。夏休みはたのしかったですか? ぼくはわしょくが好きなので、日本のステーキハウスに行くのが大好きです。 アメリカでもわしょくはほんとにおいしいと思います! 日本のステーキハウスでは、すしやさしみやてっぱんやきを食べるのが好きです。 みんなさん、どんなレストランで食べるのが好きですか?