マクミランさん Watches: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険:黄金の風

I continued my own Bizarre Adventure this week by watching the 8th episode of Jojo Part 5. It was another TV anime spot of approximately 30 minutes (a little less for advertisements that run during it). A lot has happened since the last episode, most importantly, Giorno has made many new allies who also share strange powers in his quest to become the head of the mafia. This episode in particular follows his ally: Guido Mista (グイード・ミスタ)in a high stakes battle typical of the shonen genre. Mista is described as a guy with simple tastes and an aversion to the unlucky number 4 (this number is unlucky in Japanese culture for its similarities to their word for "death"). His unique ability (or stand) is the ability to manipulate bullets fired from his gun in any direction he wants. The episode saw him battle another stand user whose power was the ability to freeze objects in place, making it difficult for Mista to damage him with bullets. Mista eventually out-smarted his opponent by attacking a wound he inflicted previously, winning the battle (however Giorno was unaware that he won, and is still currently searching for Mista after their separation in a previous episode). This episode was very exciting and was a perfect example for why I enjoy watching this series so much. I look forward to watching the future battles in this part, and was proud in how much I could understand.
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