
This week I continued in my watching of Boku no Hero Academia season 4. In the episode I watched, the hero-police invasion of a Yakuza compound began, and many heroes began fighting the mobsters. This episode in particular focused on one of UA's (the hero academy which the main character attends) top 3 students: Amajiki Tamaki (hero name: Suneater). His "quirk" (superpower) is that he can morph his body into whatever he eats to gain a variety of different powers. For example, if he eats takoyaki, he will gain the power to create octopus tentacles or if he eats clams he will gain the ability to make shells. The episode focused on both Suneater's struggle to overcome his nervousness and anxiety with the help of his friend as well as on a battle he is currently fighting with three powerful Yakuza members. The fight was really well animated and exciting, so I am definitely looking foward to the rest of the season. I noticed a lot of nods to Japanese culture I think would have went over my head if I was not studying Japanese. In this episode a character introduced themselves with a "じこしょうかい", and referred to their introduction as such. Japanese food like takoyaki is also discussed. This arc also covers a fight with a yakuza branch, so there is references to more fringe aspects of Japanese culture. I think it is very interesting to compare the spoken Japanese to the English subtitles, as it gives insight into how one might translate Japanese media.
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